...everything else is worthless when compared with the priceless gain of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.
Folks seem to be consistently perplexed about what the will of God is for their lives. The will of God… volumes of books have been written on how to know the will of God.
Believers tend to make things complicated. Hearing from God one way or another is the age old excuse for the good things and the wrong things we do. If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard the phrase, “God told me such and such ” I’d own that place on the beach I dream of. I wonder how many times God actually told us or we just decided on our own it was what seemed best. Not pointing fingers… I’m including myself here.
There are some passages in the Bible that flat out tell us what IS the will of God. No guessing. No praying. No trying to make it fit with our philosophy or theology. No twisting or turning or distorting can make it say what we wish it did. Just plain and simple instructions. If we applied what we DO KNOW the Bible says about God’s will first, and lived it out, the will of God wouldn’t be such a mystery to so many folks. [It’s good to remind yourself that if you are a child of God, you are precious to Him and He is not withholding anything of Himself to those who know Him. ]
For this is the will of God, your sanctification; that is, that you abstain from sexual immorality (or sexual vice~ in another translation); that each of you know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor, not in lustful passion, like the heathen who do not know God. I Thess. 4:3-5
One translation says, “Stay away from all sexual sin then each of you will control/manage his own body and live in holiness and honor”.
Sanctification… it’s a good starting place. We don’t hear much about it these days. It’s certainly not what itching ears want to hear. It means we separate ourselves UNTO God and we allow the holiness of Him to make us holy. In another place He says, “Be holy as I am holy”. Those words tell me it is possible for me to BE holy and LIVE holy.
I wonder if some of the music we listen to would fit with this admonition. If the music we listen to and the movies/TV we watch promote sexual sin do we think it helps us in our sanctification to let it in our ears and eyes?
Oh, that thinking is ‘SO yesterday’!
Wow, what if we just made that one adjustment. What if we actually learned how to possess our own vessel (body) in sanctification and honor! What if we just wanted to do God’s will at any cost to our flesh? What if that was more important to us than what anyone else thinks of us?
I’m asking myself these questions. What about you?
1 week ago
Glad to see you are back...thanks for something to think about today.
first let me say....i love your profile page.
secondly, the content of a good starting place is a great way to get started.
thirdly, we should all be asking ourselves these questions on a daily basis. it takes a constant check on ones own vessel to make sure it is submitted to Christ.
just as our thoughts and approach to gardening has changed/evolved into a different vision or concentrated effort...so our life hidden in Christ has probably changed. knowing more about myself has helped me in my walk with Jesus. His constant illumination in my life/soul/spirit challenge me to rethink what i am doing/being/acting on. i thank God he loved me/everyone from the beginning of the foundation of the earth. it is that one constant of His love that makes my life...a life worth living. oh how i love Jesus!
only because of Him can i live a life in freedom...of sin...of disease....of depression...of poverty....of evil desires...and the list goes on and on.
i love the colours that you chose for this blog and i hope you are able to express yourself fully until your heart is content and full of joy by the doing so. brilliant job so far!
Welcome, welcome! have missed you! i like the blog header so much - it's perfect! love the format, colors, background, sidebar - have you thought of designing web sites for others as one of your sidelines? just dropped by quickly - will comment more on your post later!
Beautiful Cindy. Your work pays off and your words make it all worth it! Good thoughts!! Tough but good.
Glad to see you back at this,
Beautiful blog and good, good words, Cindy. Thank you.
Wow... what a nice welcome you all gave me today with the launch of this new blog. Thank you.
... and thanks for the catch up today. :-)
Thank you for the kind words and encouragement. It is God's unfailing love and mercy leading us onward that continues to make our lives worth living isn't it! Do you think I might like these colors... funny how I repeat them whenever I have the opportunity. Ha.
So happy for the vote of confidence... glad you like the new digs and especially glad you stopped by for a second today. I know you didn't have much time to spare.
Thank you... hope you are feeling LOTS better tonight.
So happy you've followed us over here... always good to have you along.
You all are the BEST!
Love the new look and the new blog. I will never be offended by anything you write. :)
Thank you for the thought provoking post - I look forward to many more.
Ha... never? Yay... you'll be the first. Thanks for checking it out.
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