My Desire is to Magnify the Resurrected Life of Jesus Christ

... and on His robe and on His thigh He has a title inscribed, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Rev. 19:16

It is my purpose to encourage, to challenge, to stir hearts, and to speak the Truth that is revolutionizing my life as I am getting to know my Lord as Master.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Utter Dependence

...everything else is worthless when compared with the priceless gain of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.

I don't think I know what it means entirely. What I do know is that at times when my heart is the softest and most pliable before my Lord it is a phrase that comes up from the deepest parts of me. I boldly say the words to Him in that place of surrender. Those words when voiced aloud to Him seem to have life. Like stirring up all the most important/intimate/meaningful parts of my soul and pouring them out before Him so nothing is left. Nothing to hide. Nothing to keep for myself. Nothing but abandon. And it feels so good!

Isn't it odd? When I think of what abandon involves the very meaning of it intimates loss. Which seems to be the idea. Because what it turns out to be in the most remarkable spiritual encounters is the loss of all hurt, pain, anger, unforgiveness, selfish ambition, revenge, and pride. 

There is a PRIMARY thing God requires from his children. It's a thing He will not do FOR us.

Right after James* tells us that friendship with the world makes us an enemy of God and that if our aim is to enjoy this world we can't be a friend of God... He reminds us that God gives us more and more strength to stand against such evil desires.


Resist the devil*.

He will flee from you*.

When we bow down before the Lord and admit our dependence on Him, He will lift us up and give us honor*.

In my weakest human state of humility and utter dependence on God I am the strongest spiritually. When I'm strong spiritually I become strong in every other area... mentally, physically, socially. Ready to be of use to the kingdom.

More and more grace is available as I let go completely and truly give way to utter dependence on my Master.

It's just the way God does things. And I love Him with all my heart for it.

*Scripture reference: James 4:4-10


gigi said...

this post reminds me of two scriptures on which i rely so much: "but He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' I will all the more gladly boast of my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may rest upon me ... for when I am weak, then I am strong."
2 Cor. 12:9,10

also, "Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need."
Heb. 4:16 (both scriptures from RS)

our vessels must be emptied of all self, before we can be filled with all of Him - and it is in our weakest, most self-aware times that we are reminded of our "utter dependence" upon the love, strength, and grace of our Savior.

Cindy Gee said...

Good word, Geeg. My grace is sufficient for you... one I cling to on so many levels.