I've been a student of the Bible for a long time. I make that statement to establish a fact not at all in a proud way. Sometimes I don't even like to admit it. Surely I should be further along in my journey.
No matter how long you've been a Christian it is the words of God, from the Bible, that provides the bread of life we are to live by. So most Believers believe this. Right?
When I read the Bible I have always started with the text and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, draw out its meaning. In context. Using cross referencing and the principle of two or three witnesses as a way to establish the Truth and meaning of the text.
Does this mean I am always right? or that I live it out perfectly? I'm not saying that. I'm simply stating some facts and trust that my dear readers will understand my point.
There is another way to study the Bible. It is when you start with an idea or conviction THEN search for text or verses to prove your point.
I find the latter to be quite prevelant in Believer's lives in our modern day culture.
This is the way cults justify their beliefs. It is also the way so called "sincere Christians" use this style of interpretation in order to justify greed, lust, divorce, you name it... there are countless other sins that can be justified when the Bible is approached in this way.
This is the way cults justify their beliefs. It is also the way so called "sincere Christians" use this style of interpretation in order to justify greed, lust, divorce, you name it... there are countless other sins that can be justified when the Bible is approached in this way.
It is actually easy to pursue just about any lifestyle we choose, then find Bible text to argue that it is quite all right to live that way.
My sincerest heart is to form my concepts and principles of life ... my entire belief system based on starting with the Holy Writ, reverencing each word, leaning my entire personality on the Holy Spirit to help me understand it, and then LIVE IT OUT.
I've failed so many times. And oftentimes it is in the nagging sins and character flaws that haunt me over and over again. Like anger for instance. When I realize I'm angry I've learned (finally) to stop and ask myself why. Almost always it is MY emotional response to feeling hurt or helpless. Hurt comes from situations involving those people who matter to me most... helpless comes from things going on in our world (whether personal or otherwise) that I feel I can't 'do' anything about.
In my anger I could go find scriptures to justify being angry at seemingly justifiable hurts and circumstances affecting me whether directly or indirectly. I mean Jesus got angry and overturned the tables in the temple.
But when I read the Bible in context... the Bible written to New Testament Christians... I find answers. Not excuses for my sin.
Your anger can never make things right in God's sight. Be quick to listen (really great advice), slow to speak (that's a challenge), and slooooooow to get angry... James tells me (James 1:19-20).
This year I'm asking the Holy Spirit (I really mean it ... again) to help me LIVE what I know. Not by mere fact of the law... please don't misunderstand.I've failed so many times. And oftentimes it is in the nagging sins and character flaws that haunt me over and over again. Like anger for instance. When I realize I'm angry I've learned (finally) to stop and ask myself why. Almost always it is MY emotional response to feeling hurt or helpless. Hurt comes from situations involving those people who matter to me most... helpless comes from things going on in our world (whether personal or otherwise) that I feel I can't 'do' anything about.
In my anger I could go find scriptures to justify being angry at seemingly justifiable hurts and circumstances affecting me whether directly or indirectly. I mean Jesus got angry and overturned the tables in the temple.
But when I read the Bible in context... the Bible written to New Testament Christians... I find answers. Not excuses for my sin.
Your anger can never make things right in God's sight. Be quick to listen (really great advice), slow to speak (that's a challenge), and slooooooow to get angry... James tells me (James 1:19-20).
I get it that the Holy Spirit resides in me and He is my helper, my counselor, the one who comes along side of me. I get it that we grow only as we get our nourishment and strength from God.
I want to LIVE it. I want to be more aware of pleasing Him because of His love and mercy for me than I am in what people think or don't think.
I want HIM to be the regulator of my life in every way ... big and small.
Really good word meems.
this post reminds me of one of my favorite scriptures:
"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me." Gal. 2:20
it is really all about letting the life of Christ shine through you, shedding abroad His love by the Holy Spirit, who is in you to empower you. Knowing the Word of God enables you to know the will of God, and allows you to walk in the Spirit, not according to your flesh.
this was a good post - thanks!
HEY You! A million hugs for the comment. So glad to see you here.
a million hugs to you too always. :-)
My problem is I KNOW more than what I LIVE. I want what I know to match what I LIVE out.
...And those familiar sins that so easily entangle... Grrrr!
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