...everything else is worthless when compared with the priceless gain of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.It's been an interesting Christmas season for me this year. My usual mode is to get
intensely involved in the hustle and bustle this holiday seems to demand. It calls for so many activities out of the ordinary. It's not like all the other regular-life things stop and we can just 'do' Christmas.
No matter how I try I never can seem to get started with all the planning, decorating, shopping, baking, wrapping until after Thanksgiving. When I think about how long I've been at this routine one would think it would get easier and I would get better at it.
If I cut myself some slack I'd probably say I have gotten a little better at managing the Christmas to-do's without stressing myself out 24/7 for 3 weeks straight. Admittedly, I had a crying melt-down the first week of December from the pressure I put on myself. Mike listened and as usual nothing he
reasoned could console my feelings of "I'm never going to get it all done."
After that meltdown (that I swore would not happen this year no.matter.what.) I came full circle~~ back around to "why" we celebrate. I don't know about you but my detailed and sort-of compulsive personality always tends to make more out of just about any situation than the average human being. So even though, of course I 'know' why we celebrate, I easily get caught off guard and caught up in the
stress of it all rather than the
joy of it all.
Man has created a "season" that actually can distract us from the very thing we are to be celebrating.I love Christmastime and all that goes along with it. Family, friends, lights, sparkles, music, ribbons, bows, trees, cookies, shopping, entertainment, children's programs and on and on it goes...
but not at the expense of peace in my soul.I must have peace. That, for me, requires a good look in the face of Jesus and His love and mercy washing over me in generous doses as the reality of His kindness and redemption for not only me but the entire world puts everything back into perspective.
Oswald Chambers put it so well I won't bother to re-create words that describe what happens when I carry that kind of peace around with me.
Every time you get into personal contact with Jesus, His words are real. "My peace I give unto you," it is a peace all over from the crown of the head to the sole of the feet, an irrepressible confidence. "Your life is hid with Christ in God," and the imperturbable peace of Jesus Christ is imparted to you. Oswald ChambersDon't you just love that word "imperturbable"? THAT is the kind of peace I wish for every reader. There is no amount of money that can purchase it. It is one thing you can't buy for Christmas. There is only one way to find it. And have yourself ... a Merry Christmas!