In the Old Testament it was ONLY the priests who were allowed access to the dwelling place of God. For an Israelite there was no higher privilege. It was the place where God's manifested presence dwelled. And the Priests were the only humans who were given access.
We know , as New Testament believers, we are to look at these types and shadows in the OT as examples. We realize Christians are called a Royal Priesthood, a people for God's own possession (1Peter 2:9). It is eye-opening to examine the life and habits of the Priests as God laid out strict orders for them. Right down to the clothing they were to wear.
The Priests' Clothing Illustrated by James Strong |
The Priests experienced the presence of God daily. Remarkable when you think about it.
But they were required to draw near as servants of the Holy Place. To see to the arrangements of the house, according to God's law, which included many rituals. Too many to list but, in general, it was all about guarding and serving and providing for the dwelling place of the Most High! The key component? They could only enter with the sprinkling of the blood of sacrifice.
Is it possible God meant for us, His children, to live our lives in the same sacred honor of His presence?
It is the precious blood of Jesus that opened the way for EVERY believer to enter into God's presence. No longer the requirement of rituals 'performed'. Instead we have full access into the throne room to obtain mercy and help with the simple utterance of His name.
I submit that acknowledgement and an understanding of the blood sacrifice of Jesus will enlarge the capacity of our heart to experience more fully the manifest presence of God.
Believers are the dwelling place of God. We are the holy temples. And just like the priests had to keep the house in order ... as believers it is the way we live that makes a difference in our intimacy with God. It is our place to guard, to serve, to provide for our temples (the place where God dwells now) in a way that is pleasing to God.
When once we experience the pure, undefiled, utterly pristine and holy presence of God and intimacy with Him becomes our habit the natural response is to long for Him more and more. We desire Him and we want nothing more than to please Him in every way.
Jesus said in Matt. 15:18-20, "but what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and this is what makes a man unclean and defiles him. for out of the heart come evil thoughts (reasonings and disputings and designs) such as murder, adultery, sexual vice, theft, false witnessing, slander and irreverent speech. these are what make a man unclean and defile him; but eating with hands unwashed does not make him unclean or defile him."
Prov. 4:23 advises, "keep your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life."
our hearts are cleansed by the shed blood of Jesus in forgiveness of sin - we have obtained right standing with God through His blood offering on the cross. when Jesus said "it is finished", He knew He had brought the Father's redemption to all mankind. once we have received Jesus into our hearts by faith, we must realize that is His Holy place in us, His temple, His tabernacle - we are to guard, protect, keep clean and purify our heart so that the holiness of Jesus is on the throne of it, and continually leading us in His will. God stated He would write his Word on the tablet of our heart, so that we would know Him in an intimate relationship. no one who values this privilege would want to besmirch or devalue this sacred sanctuary.
the O.T. priest belonged to a select group and this position could not be earned or bought. so it is with Christians - we are chosen by God to manifest Him in this world of darkness and disbelief. we are the light of the world, so Jesus said, and we must shine His truth through a clean heart. it is our personal responsibility to maintain His dwelling place and keep it holy, as the royal priesthood of the N.T.
Amen, Gigi. I'm thinking these are principles so many Christians are not aware of ... or I guess it seems the body of Christ in general is not cognizant of the holiness of our hearts and how we are to guard them and protect them. So much secularism and humanism in the body of Christ. Anyway, I'm not trying to point my fingers at anyone. My heart is grieved at the worldliness and the culture of the church trying to appeal to the world.
I should have also mentioned that prophets and other specially chosen ones in the OT were actually furtunate to experience God's presence. He did anoint them with His glory for His purposes for a period of time.
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