My Desire is to Magnify the Resurrected Life of Jesus Christ

... and on His robe and on His thigh He has a title inscribed, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Rev. 19:16

It is my purpose to encourage, to challenge, to stir hearts, and to speak the Truth that is revolutionizing my life as I am getting to know my Lord as Master.

Monday, July 25, 2011

No One Said It Was The Easy Path

...everything else is worthless when compared with the priceless gain of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.

No question the path a believer is supposed to walk is a narrow one. The initial entry requires an honest decision of soul surrender to a Lord we cannot see with our physical eye. The subsequent walk on the narrow path is in absolute contrast to the wide path of destruction we were on only seconds before.That wide path offers every distraction (and destruction) imaginable.

Our faithful Lord said it this way while He walked the earth teaching us the words of our Father:
"For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it... the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it."

In looking back on the decision to bow my (very stubborn) heart before God and surrender my soul to Him I'd say now (in the scope of life) it was the easiest part of this 'walk'. If you are a believer and a follower of Jesus Christ you might agree.

Times of surrender that follow are delicious and sweet and pure and clear and glorious! Just like the first time. God ALWAYS honors sincere surrender with holy manifestations of Himself in our hearts.

It is walking and living in the every day of ordinary life that challenges my choices. Sometimes I faint. Sometimes I don't care. Sometimes I lose sight of the prize. Sometimes I allow the conterfeit. Sometimes I wander off and take a peek at that wide path I was on before I believed... with all of its distractions. Sometimes I feel as if something outside of me is pulling me back toward the wide path.

And with each step I walk off the narrow path of my life with God ... I know it because that's when I look for the thrills. That's when I'm unsatisfied in my soul. That's when I retreat inward. I want my way. I become selfish and self absorbed.

Unhealthy. Unstable. Unspiritual.

One step leads to the other. I make each decision to take another step toward destruction.

There's only ONE path that leads to life. It's a narrow one. Believers are admonished to take heed where our feet tread. To guard our hearts. To protect our eye-gate and our ear-gate.

I believe the narrow path was meant to protect us ... not to keep us from enjoying all the so-called fun things while we whisk through this earthly life as a vapor.

When I imagine Jesus holding my hand as we walk down the path together I have no problem staying on it. He is my biggest cheerleader! I'm gonna hang with Him.

Truth be told ... it is when I am more conscious of Him than myself that life is the easiest. He is my fullest satisfaction filling me up with His goodness.

Are you one of the few that has found the narrow path?

Surrender is NOT a one-time thing.

This post entry originally written by me for a previous blog and reposted here.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Royal Priesthood

...everything else is worthless when compared with the priceless gain of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.

In the Old Testament it was ONLY the priests who were allowed access to the dwelling place of God. For an Israelite there was no higher privilege. It was the place where God's manifested presence dwelled. And the Priests were the only humans who were given access.

We know , as New Testament believers, we are to look at these types and shadows in the OT as examples. We realize Christians are called a Royal Priesthood, a people for God's own possession (1Peter 2:9). It is eye-opening to examine the life and habits of the Priests as God laid out strict orders for them. Right down to the clothing they were to wear.

The Priests' Clothing Illustrated by James Strong
What joy for those you choose to bring near, those who live in your holy courts. What joys await us inside your holy Temple. Ps 65:4

The Priests experienced the presence of God daily. Remarkable when you think about it.

But they were required to draw near as servants of the Holy Place. To see to the arrangements of the house, according to God's law, which included many rituals. Too many to list but, in general, it was all about guarding and serving and providing for the dwelling place of the Most High! The key component? They could only enter with the sprinkling of the blood of sacrifice.

Is it possible God meant for us, His children, to live our lives in the same sacred honor of His presence?

It is the precious blood of Jesus that opened the way for EVERY believer to enter into God's presence. No longer the requirement of rituals 'performed'. Instead we have full access into the throne room to obtain mercy and help with the simple utterance of His name.

I submit that acknowledgement and an understanding of the blood sacrifice of Jesus will enlarge the capacity of our heart to experience more fully the manifest presence of God.

Believers are the dwelling place of God. We are the holy temples. And just like the priests had to keep the house in order ... as believers it is the way we live that makes a difference in our intimacy with God.  It is our place to guard, to serve, to provide for our temples (the place where God dwells now) in a way that is pleasing to God.

When once we experience the pure, undefiled, utterly pristine and holy presence of God and intimacy with Him becomes our habit the natural response is to long for Him more and more. We desire Him and we want nothing more than to please Him in every way.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Flesh Is Weak

...everything else is worthless when compared with the priceless gain of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.

Recently I was doing a job (involving my business) that I had no desire to do. It was a referral from one of my best clients so I felt obligated to accept the proposed project. I whined and complained to those closest people around me about NOT wanting to take it on but feeling like I HAD to (because of this great client). In my spirit I was reminded of these types of lessons God has used over the years to help me 'see' beyond the obvious circumstances. I knew there was more to this project than just the physical doing of it. In my spirit there were nudgings and confirmations of the good outcomes that would result in my participation. Not that I could put my finger on any of them. It was just that urging that comes from deep in my belly that I am so familiar with. (It is those very nudgings that can be heeded or ignored in our daily walk with The Master.)

Still, I dreaded each initial step necessary to get the project moving. I was exceedingly grumbly within, with a smile on my face, while attending the consult meetings and putting the preliminary proposal together. All the while knowing there was more to this than meets the eye.

Then on the way to the site the day I was to begin the final approved work I got honest with God. This was after 6 weeks of said whining and grumbling in various forms and worse... in my heart I was reluctant to let go of my own assessment of the situation. Ahhhh... honesty. Before God. Where I not only KNOW He sees and hears all things but I humbly acknowledge it before Him. And you know what? EVERY time He simply opens His loving arms and draws me into Himself as if I'd NEVER done it. Then... we talk.

I confess. He soothes.

I repent. He affirms.

I cry. He hugs.

I give thanks. He applies His balm of healing to my wounds.

When am I ever going to learn this lesson once and for all?

Among several of the eye-opening results of working with this particular group of people on this job, I'll share one of the most obvious.

There were three sessions scheduled to get the intial phase of the project accomplished and I was working with a group of women who were living in a halfway house. Without going into all the details it happened that on the third session of our outdoor project one of the women became ill and went back inside the house. The next thing I knew we were being alerted to the fact she was having a seizure of some sort inside. There was a lot of confusion at the time and ladies were coming back and forth announcing how bad it was. I had no authority to be inside with them. I simply stepped aside away from everyone and prayed a prayer with all the confidence/authority I've ever gained in the saving power of God. I rebuked the devil and prayed for peace and life in the situation. The ambulance came and took her away. The next day someone let me know she was fine and back to the halfway house safely with medication.

My heart was clear of the grumbling and I had free and open access to the throne of God for the need.

I'm not in any way saying I saved her or that I was the only one praying. I just KNOW that I was there for that moment.

Keep watching and praying that you may not come into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Mark 14:38