My Desire is to Magnify the Resurrected Life of Jesus Christ

... and on His robe and on His thigh He has a title inscribed, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Rev. 19:16

It is my purpose to encourage, to challenge, to stir hearts, and to speak the Truth that is revolutionizing my life as I am getting to know my Lord as Master.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Live the Life

...everything else is worthless when compared with the priceless gain of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.

Have you ever seen those bumper stickers that say something to affect of "I'm not perfect, I'm just forgiven"! Or some such nonsense. I don't remember exactly how its worded but those types of quips out of the mouths of Christians are bothersome to me.

In a world where Christians are made out to be the stupid, ignorant sinners who only "talk" about Jesus and sin just as much as the heathen... I am of the opinion those types of "sayings" don't really do anything to help show the way to Jesus. Maybe I'm wrong. But that's what I think when I see that someone took the time to actually peel and stick those words on their car. Why?

That particular saying comes off as arrogant. Like it's okay that I'm not perfect because I'm forgiven there ... I can do what I want and all is well with my soul because I'm forgiven. What's the point? Just LIVE the life and more lives will be directed to our Lord.

I'm not a fan of advertising with words. Oh that we would advertise Jesus with the way we live our lives!

Forget the bumper stickers... Live the life!


gigi said...

funny, i always thought of those type bumper stickers as some sort of apology for being a Christian ... like saying "i'm just like you, not a holier than thou person, so please like me because i don't want you to think that just because i believe differently than you that i won't try to befriend you or join your group in whatever it is you like to do, but just remember that i have been forgiven of whatever it is i might do as i walk with one foot in the world and one foot in the kingdom of God ... because i can't help that i am called a Christian and i am not perfect". frankly, i think auto bumpers are designed to reduce collision risk and not to advertise your particular religious bent or favorite political slant!

Cindy Gee said...

Okay... that's too funny. Just goes to show how very different perspective can be.